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音樂人 上海


Drowning fish is a Shanghai indie band founded in 2021 by guitar/vocal Salmon, guitar/vocal Jason, drum Tommy, bass LaoChen and synthesizer Rachel. It is a combination of Shanghai locals, Boston comeback kids, long lost band mates, popup jam buddies, curiosity and ambition. The band never lock themselves up in a given genre. Starting from Indie to infinity, the fish would strive to revive the deepest east coast music memory of the Continent.

  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中


關於 Drowningfish_



Drowning fish is a Shanghai indie band founded in 2021 by guitar/vocal Salmon, guitar/vocal Jason, drum Tommy, bass LaoChen and synthesizer Rachel. It is a combination of Shanghai locals, Boston comeback kids, long lost band mates, popup jam buddies, curiosity and ambition. The band never lock themselves up in a given genre. Starting from Indie to infinity, the fish would strive to revive the deepest east coast music memory of the Continent.