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DragonSmash 龍族扣殺

10 月


𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 搖滾台中 𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆 - 10/26

發布時間 2024-05-24


主唱 Vocal|譚文佳 Yorke Tan
吉他 Guitar|蔡育亘 Luna Cai
吉他 Guitar|林立益 Bene Lin
貝斯 Bass|賴天文 Wesley Lai
鼓 Drum|李瑋倫 Adam Li

經紀人 Manager|譚芷凌 Chiling Tan

詞 Lyrics : 蔡育亘/譚文佳
曲 Composer : 蔡育亘
編曲 Music Arranger : 龍族扣殺 DragonSmash
錄音 Recording : 蔡育亘
混音 Mixing : 蔡育亘
母帶 Mastering :吳承晏

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The vast universe, there's mysteries. 浩瀚宇宙,處處是奧秘
The possibilities are endless. 可能性是無止境
Galaxies swirl, stars collide. 星系旋轉,恆星碰撞
A cosmic dance that never subsides. 永不消退的宇宙之舞

The darkness of space is pierced by light. 空間的黑暗被光穿透
From distant quasars to our own sun's might.從遙遠的類星體到我們太陽的威力
Gravity pulls, planets form. 重力牽引,行星形成
Life emerges, a unique norm. 生命湧現,獨一無二的常態

We've pushed too far, it's not too late. 我們已經推得太遠了,現在還不算太晚

The universe, a grand design. 宇宙,一個偉大的設計
A tapestry of space and time. 空間和時間的掛毯
From the tiniest atom to the largest star. 從最小的原子到最大的恆星
It's a wonder that we've come so far. 我們能走到這一步真是奇蹟
we've come so far. 我們已經走到這一步了

To turn the tide, to make amends. 力挽狂瀾,改過自新
To save this world, before it ends. 為了拯救這個世界,在它結束之前
Through despair and hope. 透過絕望和希望
faith and love. 信念和愛

From the Big Bang to this very day. 從大爆炸到今天
The universe has come a long, long way. 宇宙已經走了很長很長的路
We're just a small part of the cosmic play. 我們只是宇宙劇中的一小部分
But our curiosity won't let us stray. 但我們的好奇心不會讓我們迷路

The vast universe, there's mysteries. 浩瀚宇宙,處處是奧秘
The possibilities are endless. 可能性是無止境
Galaxies swirl, stars collide. 星系旋轉,恆星碰撞
A cosmic dance that never subsides. 永不消退的宇宙之舞

The darkness of space is pierced by light. 空間的黑暗被光穿透
From distant quasars to our own sun's might.從遙遠的類星體到我們太陽的威力
Gravity pulls, planets form. 重力牽引,行星形成
Life emerges, a unique norm. 生命湧現,獨一無二的常態

The universe, a grand design. 宇宙,一個偉大的設計
A tapestry of space and time. 空間和時間的掛毯
From the tiniest atom to the largest star. 從最小的原子到最大的恆星
It's a wonder that we've come so far. 我們能走到這一步真是奇蹟

So let's explore and learn more. 因此,讓我們探索並了解更多信息
Unlock the secrets that space has in store. 解開空間中的秘密
For the universe, it's our destiny. 對於宇宙,這是我們的命運
To keep on reaching for infinity. 繼續追求無限

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