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Coercion (feat.黑衛斯from EmergingFromTheCocoon破繭而出)
Coercion (feat.黑衛斯from EmergingFromTheCocoon破繭而出)

Coercion (feat.黑衛斯from EmergingFromTheCocoon破繭而出)


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Coercion (feat.黑衛斯from EmergingFromTheCocoon破繭而出)

Coercion (feat.黑衛斯from EmergingFromTheCocoon破繭而出)


發布時間 2023-12-11


⟪Coercion⟫歌曲裡的Vocal這次則是特別邀請到「2021 鐵玫瑰熱音賞 冠軍」金屬樂團 "EMERGING FROM THE COCOON 破繭而出" 的主唱黑衛斯跨刀合作,用極具爆發力的死腔吼出被控制者內心壓抑的聲音。

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A fragile world
No way out
Nothing but a doll
You’re running into a blackhole

焦慮 滲入人心傀儡線牽引著恐懼
Someone who I can’t see in the driver’s seat.
Won’t confer anyone manipulate me.

沒魂的木偶 他的名字叫做皮諾丘
想變成小男孩的夢 單純的他絲毫不自覺被人利用
Let someone control 懦弱 那對木製的雙手
曾有想掙脫 想擺脫掌控 最後成為說謊鼻子變長的小丑

Hoping someone’s there
Writing down
That everything you used to know
How much that you’ve paid, you’ve loved
Holding on
Hoping that someday you could try to remind who you used to be

(Hoping that someday you will be alive)
No way out
Nothing but a doll
You’re running into a blackhole
Nothing but a doll, you don’t own yourself
Nothing but a doll, you’re running into a blackhole

沒魂的木偶 他的名字叫做皮諾丘
想變成小男孩的夢 單純的他絲毫不自覺被人利用
Let someone control 懦弱 那對木製的雙手
曾有想掙脫 想擺脫掌控 最後成為說謊鼻子變長的小丑

Hoping someone’s there
Writing down
That everything you used to know
How much that you’ve paid, you’ve loved
Holding on
Hoping that someday you could try to remind who you used to be

(Hoping that someday you will be alive)
No way out
You're nothing but a doll, you don’t own yourself
Nothing but a doll, you don’t own yourself
Nothing but a doll, you’re running into a blackhole
You got to take a stand

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