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Dizparity - Nymph 寧芙
Dizparity - Nymph 寧芙

Dizparity - Nymph 寧芙


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Dizparity - Nymph 寧芙

Dizparity - Nymph 寧芙


  • Song of the Day

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發布時間 2017-05-23


最近因緣際會玩了一陣子朋友的老琴,寫了這首曲子叫Nymph“寧芙”,也是首次以純彈奏layering創作,少了被電腦運算過的音符排列,在一片歪歪棉花糖般的mello tone中有種在森林迷霧裡性感起舞,若隱若現既自由又不朽的景
My new track - Nymph.
Been messing around with the retro synth lately, this is the sexy result I come up with. Covering with the floating mello tones, feel like watching an immortal dance with liberty in the moist wood. Either visible or turning into a somehow mirage.

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最近因緣際會玩了一陣子朋友的老琴,寫了這首曲子叫Nymph“寧芙”,也是首次以純彈奏layering創作,少了被電腦運算過的音符排列,在一片歪歪棉花糖般的mello tone中有種在森林迷霧裡性感起舞,若隱若現既自由又不朽的景
My new track - Nymph.
Been messing around with the retro synth lately, this is the sexy result I come up with. Covering with the floating mello tones, feel like watching an immortal dance with liberty in the moist wood. Either visible or turning into a somehow mirage.

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