The compilation, titled "HgB-17: Various Artists - Refraction of Light" is available for preorder over on Bandcamp and includes tracks put together by myself and 15 incredible artists from Australia. The album is only $15, with 10% of all the income being donated to Black Rainbow.
受邀在哥本哈根廠牌 Amniote Editions 最新合輯《HgB-17: Various Artists - Refraction of Light》中裡做的新歌〈 Literomancer 〉,發行日六月23日,十六首歌,有十五位在下望塵莫及的墨爾本音樂家原創作品,台幣只要三百出頭,而且收入10%會捐給 Black Rainbow!
At Amniote Editions, artists are invited to take a reptilian alias. I have taken my name from the traditional story ‘The Legend of the White Snake’, the character Su Zhen, Bai, a white-snake spirit transformed into a female human. My "Literomancer" is an ode to Trance, the name is from a short story by the author Ken Liu
由於老闆 Mamasnake 的緣故 ,所以在 Amniote Editions 旗下發行的音樂人都會取一個爬蟲類動物的名字來做為藝名,有人用俗稱也有人用學名,而我則是選了有點觀音vibe的蛇蛇「素貞白」(白娘子護照名 ? )。〈 #Literomancer 〉是一首Trance頌,名稱是來自小說家劉宇昆《摺紙動物園》裡面的短篇〈測字〉英文原名。