cut by the blade of your design
get a heavy dose of your own bitter medicine
feel the torment and anguish like I did
reap what you've sown and get a taste your own misdeed
it's hard to eat
I'll watch you cut by your own blade
get a taste of your own medicine
swallow, taste it, feel it
your martyr's facade has been turned to dust
and your true face is left for display
cut by the blade of your design
get a heavy dose of your own bitter medicine
feel the anguish like I did (I did)
the toxic hatred you've unleashed will return
to make you confront the hurt you've made
and feel this crushing pain
suffer like I did (I did)
savor the tragic and stinging defeat
your wicked deeds have circled back to haunt
you'll see no escape
shackled by consequences
the noose of your own making
you'll meet your destination
you will burn for an eternity
with every breath I can take
I'll watch you choke on your treachery
I will watch your life drain away
from your pale face
death will be your destination