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The Beast Within
The Beast Within

The Beast Within


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The Beast Within

The Beast Within

The Agony Metropolis
The Agony Metropolis

發布時間 2016-07-18


This is who we are

Guess Ill never take it
The picture ruined my feelings
Survived in father’s hand, nothing better off dead
Why don’t you just kill us all?
I’ll let you lay in grave

Keep my undertaking
You never know my dying wish
Is revenge in coming days, with no regrets
Living within hopeless
I tried to pray and talk to him
But he never did anything
What could I say?

I can’t take another fight
Down your knees your heart is mine

Tear off your ribcage and your flesh
Resolve resentment all I have
Felt the beast live beneath my skin

Your grave goes deeper and deeper
The secrets I have to hide
Bury the pages and words unsaid

Aim the bullet to your head
In a flash, fulfill my wish, my soul
You deserve, the end like this

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