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二維 乙末篇 Two Dimensions 2015
二維 乙末篇 Two Dimensions 2015

二維 乙末篇 Two Dimensions 2015

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二維 乙末篇 Two Dimensions 2015

二維 乙末篇 Two Dimensions 2015


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發布時間 2016-11-09


丑时 二维 乙未篇
01:00 Two Dimensions 2015

I have turned right
Then I'll go back
I know I can go forward
Even walk across the line

Cause I am free
So that I can make a choice
I also know that before I go
Might well stay a little while
Yes I am free
So that I can make a choice
But I found that no matter where I go
I can not go out of this surface

But I found that no matter where I go
I can not leave this surface

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