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We'll never know(Demo)
We'll never know(Demo)

We'll never know(Demo)


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We'll never know(Demo)

We'll never know(Demo)

William Bird
William Bird

發布時間 2008-06-17



We’ll never know

自己又想太多 又把繃帶戳破 原來逃避那麼脆弱
心口留下的洞 牆壁還泛著痛 原來傷口從沒好過

回想又有什麼用 誰對 誰錯

We’ll never know the answer Cause you never chose 那選擇
這也沒有錯 或許不會有什麼
結果總是難說 沒有誰能定奪 就一笑而過

換了新的角落 以為不再執著 現在似乎沒有什麼用
等待下一秒鐘 曾經那麼永久 現在看來可笑又落魄

日落前 也有想過 會不會有著落
日出後 才發現我 不在乎那麼多

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<P><FONT color=#808080 size=2>有種美式小品音樂的感覺。^^</FONT></P>


<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt;" lang="EN-US">I’m beginning to understand why my classmate likes your music so much.
You’re good at writing “addictive” melodies. <o:p></o:p></span></p>

<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt;" lang="EN-US">Why haven’t you released your own album yet ?<o:p></o:p></span></p>

<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 10pt;" lang="EN-US"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></p>


<P><FONT size=2>尾音淡淡的jazz味道 带出些许哀怨的情绪</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>听起来 好像多是用真音唱出 一点点假音</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>"日落前 也有想過 會不會有著落"&nbsp; --- 接近晚上, 人总是比较多愁善感 : (<BR></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>"日出後 才發現我 不在乎那麼多" --- 新的一天刚开始, 又觉得life is wondeful <STRONG>: )</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>"We’ll never know"&nbsp; ---&nbsp; 只求享受过程,&nbsp; 管它结果是什么呢, it's out of control</FONT></P>


<P>嗯~~就是這個調兒~~第一次聽就喜歡.....&nbsp;hahaha... </P>






<P>Yup, we'll never know what life's gonna bring us, nobody does.&nbsp; We only do what we think are the best for now.&nbsp; But things change over time, whether they stay the same or not.&nbsp; If they remain the same, then they've changed to be more affirmed.&nbsp; If they change, then they change.&nbsp; C'est la vie...</P>
<P>Sometimes one has no idea how a type of support could hurt someone else.&nbsp; Maybe if the support wasn't so strong, then it wouldn't be so hurtful...</P>
<P>William, how come you put the lyrics for this demo, and not for the previous three songs?&nbsp; Was that intentional?&nbsp; I'd still like to see them, because I had a really hard time understanding all the words in 'em, thanks...</P>


<P>You're&nbsp; a prolific songwriter recently .....are the final exams over ???</P>
<P>This is another song that tempts the listener to click the "play" button over and over again !&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Introspective lyric .... the genre is closer to folk than jazz.</P>