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Miss You(DEMO版)
Miss You(DEMO版)

Miss You(DEMO版)


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Miss You(DEMO版)

Miss You(DEMO版)

William Bird
William Bird

  • 週排行冠軍歌曲

發布時間 2007-03-10



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I think I miss you Do you miss me too
I know I miss you Do you miss me too

I know it's hard for me to say it out. It's easier to think out loud
the way I'm most familiar to
I know I'm singing the thoughts I've been thinking The way I'm feeling

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<P>&nbsp;<U><STRONG><FONT size=5>Lyric (&nbsp;complete version)</FONT></STRONG></U>&nbsp;&nbsp; <IMG src="" border=0 mce_src=""></P>
<P>I know I miss you&nbsp;&nbsp;<EM><STRONG>wu y</STRONG>a</EM>&nbsp;&nbsp; Do you miss me too&nbsp; <EM><STRONG>oh no no</STRONG></EM> </P>
<P>I think I miss you&nbsp;&nbsp;<EM><STRONG>wu y</STRONG>a</EM>&nbsp;&nbsp; ~Do you miss me too&nbsp; <EM><STRONG>wu<BR></STRONG></EM><BR><BR>I know it's hard for me to say it out. It's easier to think out loud<BR>the way I'm most familiar to&nbsp; <EM><STRONG>no no no</STRONG></EM> </P>
<P>I know I'm singing the thoughts I've been thinking The way I'm feeling</P>
<P>I know I miss you&nbsp;<FONT size=4><EM><STRONG>wu y</STRONG>a</EM>&nbsp;&nbsp;  </FONT>Do you miss me too <STRONG><EM>oh nono</EM></STRONG> . </P>
<P>I know I miss you <EM><STRONG>oh y</STRONG>a</EM>&nbsp;&nbsp; Do you miss me too <STRONG><EM>ye</EM></STRONG></P>
<P><EM><STRONG>no ya.. Oh no ...dadalada&nbsp; dono dadala&nbsp; dono dalada&nbsp; dalaaldada nono</STRONG></EM> <EM><STRONG>nonodalaladadala</STRONG></EM></P>
<P><EM><STRONG>dadala dono daldala dalada dono nono dadala donono daldala dalada nonononono</STRONG></EM></P>
<P>Now I think I miss you&nbsp;&nbsp;<EM><STRONG>wu y</STRONG>a</EM>&nbsp;&nbsp;~ Do you miss me too <EM><STRONG>oh no</STRONG></EM> </P>
<P>I know I love you&nbsp;<EM><STRONG>wu y</STRONG>a</EM>&nbsp;&nbsp;, do you love me too.. <STRONG><EM>ya ya</EM></STRONG> </P>
<P>I know it's hard for me to say it out. It's easier to think out loud<BR>the way I'm most familiar to&nbsp; <EM><STRONG>wowo&nbsp;ya</STRONG></EM> </P>
<P>Now I know I'm singing the thoughts I've been thinking The way I'm feeling</P>
<P>I&nbsp;think &nbsp;I miss you&nbsp;<EM><STRONG>wu y</STRONG>a</EM>&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you miss me too <EM><STRONG>oh nono . </STRONG></EM></P>
<P>Now&nbsp;I know I miss you&nbsp;&nbsp; ,&nbsp;<EM><STRONG>wu&nbsp;ya</STRONG></EM> , do you miss me too <STRONG><EM>nononono &nbsp;ye</EM></STRONG></P>
<P>I&nbsp;think i need you,&nbsp; <EM><STRONG>oh no&nbsp; </STRONG></EM>Do you need me too you need too</P>
<P>Now I know I love you ,&nbsp;<EM><STRONG>wu ya</STRONG></EM> , do you love me too &nbsp;?</P>

寫作、 歌詞 守護鋼琴 是我天職

<P>感覺有些地方的音&nbsp; 處理很不好...</P>
<P>如果試著都用真音&nbsp; 慧比會比較好一點哪?! 我想....</P>


This is definitely another one of my favorites from you.&nbsp; You sang it so well too, with lots of emotions.&nbsp; I like the fact that you only used the piano as the background music, makes it more intimate...&nbsp;


<P><FONT size=2>這麼棒的音樂怎麼可以拿來當做隱藏曲目呢?!</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>台灣的樂壇很少有這類曲風的創作,威廉很厲害呢!</FONT></P>


<P><FONT size=3>聽這首歌N次(紀錄上說是60次,應該更多,有時我沒有登入也能聽)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3>每次聽到最後二句,就很想哭......被感動...<IMG src="" border=0 mce_src="">&nbsp;</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3>不知道william會不會想錄正式版?</FONT></P>


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<P>有很多NO NO、搭搭拉拉、耶耶類的助詞,</P>