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Illusion (ft. 魏小 Wade Wei)
Illusion (ft. 魏小 Wade Wei)

Illusion (ft. 魏小 Wade Wei)


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Illusion (ft. 魏小 Wade Wei)

Illusion (ft. 魏小 Wade Wei)

Who Cares 胡凱兒
Who Cares 胡凱兒

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發布時間 2022-10-19



?2023全新創作專輯募資 Album Crowdfunding?


民謠/另類搖滾樂團Who Cares 胡凱兒繼睽違近四年的不插電EP《昨天再見》之後,首發英文創作單曲〈Illusion〉!有別於過往以Pop Rock為基底的創作路線,胡凱兒首次嘗試Loud Rock曲風,在狂暴中自我懷疑,在呢喃中嘶吼情緒。經歷前幾年團員更迭、樂團發展路線的不確定,胡凱兒將這段期間的迷惘、忐忑、憤怒、不甘,融入音樂創作之中。〈Illusion〉一曲同也邀來知名金屬樂團OBSESS主唱魏小跨刀合作,以其為人稱道的聲音張力堆疊音樂氛圍。

Who Cares 胡凱兒同步發起首張創作專輯《天色》之群眾募資計畫!預計於2023年發行的《天色》專輯,除了收錄曾發表的Demo作品,同也預備多首尚未問世之全新創作。對於獨立樂團而言,創作是一條不歸路,投注時間心血賭一個未知的可能。所以也需要更多聽眾朋友的支持!

全新創作專輯募資 Album Crowdfunding:


音樂製作 Music Credit:

製作人 Producer|黃文凱 Matt Huang
作詞 Lyricist|謝浩澤 Bla Hsieh、陳廷曜 YaoChen
作曲 Composer|謝浩澤 Bla Hsieh、陳廷曜 YaoChen、梁方文 Sugarcube
編曲 Arranger|Who Cares 胡凱兒
合作樂手 Featuring Artist|魏小 Wade Wei、黃冠誠 Albert Huang
錄音師 Recording Engineer|梁祐鈞 Jim Liang
錄音室 Recording Studio|灰帽 Gray Hat Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|黃文凱 Matt Huang
母帶 Mastering|黃文凱 Matt Huang


藝人團隊 Team Who Cares:

藝人經紀 Artist Manager|盤芯彤 Hsin Tung Pan
企劃統籌 Creative Director|謝浩澤 Bla Hsieh、古尚恆 Ku da Yeast
企劃執行 Creative Executive|盤芯彤 Hsin Tung Pan
宣傳統籌 Marketing Director|古尚恆 Ku da Yeast
宣傳執行 Marketing Executive|盤芯彤 Hsin Tung Pan


特別感謝 Special Thanks:浮氣音樂 Floating Music

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Dealing with the ghost Inside my head
Before the silence disillusion me
There’s no place left to go

Still wasting my time
Filled up the big black hole inside of me
With the arrows and knives on my back
I’ve changed and there’s no turning back
Invigorated, then another setback
Refined, torn to the skin and bones
Everytime I get up on my feet
I’m afraid I’ll be trapped forever in the cage

Like ocean it consumes
Within seconds I’ll be dragged to the bottom of it
Taking chances, the obstinacy of me
Just can’t see the bigger picture of it
Like ocean it varies
Somedays tamed others, I felt nothing
I only wish that I can
No I should just make up my mind
The demon lives inside my head

When it’s up in the air but out of my hands
There’ll be nothing left if my love is meaningless
Dealing with the ghost Inside my head
Before the silence disillusion me

I’ve seen my end
Made by bad decisions
A little by little
Ripping the memories from my mind
Constantly spinning
I’m afraid, I start losing it
I can’t mend
Can’t make peace with it
Please forbid I quit
The demon lives inside

When it’s up in the air but out of my hands
There’ll be nothing left if my love is meaningless
Dealing with the ghost Inside my head
Before the silence disillusion me

The cure of self-destruction
The path of my redemption
Every breath I take might just be a mistake
A mistake
Curved in the bones with the silence in my head

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