You called me sweet sweetheart I was there
You taught me one two three on that stair
我有個auntie Fey 她不是poker face
我有個auntie Fey 她不曾說我隨便
I own the 阿姨
I have not told you that you are my best auntie auntie
You called me sweet sweetheart I was there
You taught me one two three on that stair
我要把妳的愛留 下 沒人對妳不 想
一遍又一遍 Everywhere 沒有變
Aussie or Indonesia
過的日子太 短 想見面很困 難
看到他把妳照顧得好 妳依然美的舒坦
我想念妳是我的auntie 沒有人能取代妳
妳要我keep singing 這首歌唱給妳聽
You are the best you are the best one
I know you’re still breathing but the difference air
You called me sweet sweetheart I was there
You taught me one two three on that stair
Fey Fey Fey 妳在 飛飛飛
天空放光明 妳是我的小星星
Fey Fey Fey 妳在 飛飛飛
天空放光明 妳是我的小星星