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12 月



樂人講.彈3—藍。掉 x 秦國翔

樂人講.彈3—藍。掉 x 秦國翔

2021 年 12 月 16 日 | 星期四 | 19:36


藍掉 Fade to Blue・秦國翔

1 位街聲音樂人


遊走於世界舞台的琵琶音樂家鍾玉鳳及藍調唱作人David CHEN,揉和琵琶及藍調吉他各自承載的文化脈絡,組成「藍。掉」,開啟了一場顛覆想像的音樂跨界實驗。他們自藍調、藍草、民謠音樂中發酵,醞釀路上加台灣民間聲響,匯入華人移民歷史、詩謠、島嶼軼事和傳說,提煉出專輯《垂釣島嶼》。本次樂人講.彈「藍。掉」將連同歌仔戲弦手秦國翔,以音樂為誘,遷徙故事為餌,將琵琶與藍調吉他化為垂竿,釣起樂迷們的共振神經!

Fade to Blue is a duo project by Taiwanese pipa player/composer CHUNG Yufeng and American roots/folk singer-songwriter David CHEN. Yufeng and David draw from their respective traditions and cultures in pursuit of new musical possibilities grounded in a variety of folk styles, including American blues, bluegrass, Taiwanese Opera, and music from around Asia. Fade to Blue's distinctively fresh and playful sound is driven by Yufeng on the pipa, the robust and bold four-string lute used in traditional Chinese music; David sings and plays resonator and 12-string guitars. Their eponymous debut album (2014) was a well-regarded compilation of folk standards and original songs. The duo's latest, Island Catch (2020), is a sonically rich and lyrically poetic collection of mostly original songs tied to themes and narratives of the Chinese immigrant diaspora, "island music" culture, and traditional Asian folklore.

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