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The Beating (demo:2017)
The Beating (demo:2017)

The Beating (demo:2017)

Singer / Songwriter巽 demos 16-19

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The Beating (demo:2017)

The Beating (demo:2017)


發布時間 2019-08-06


這首歌,兩年前半夜噩夢醒來,腦海裏的畫面編成了歌詞。掙扎、苦痛、殘破、流血,被燒焦的土地,還有憤怒的人羣... 隔天我才知道到底是什麼事情,傷透了心... 可是它是一首希望重生的歌,焦土中再長出了幼苗,疼痛中生出了生命力,是這樣的歌,與疼痛中的你同在。

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歌詞 動態歌詞

The Beating (demo:2017)

And I miss you so (而我是那麼地想念你)
And I need you so (而我是那麼地須要你)
To break my heart (將我的心粉碎)
And put it back together (再將它拼合起來)
Because I need to know (因為我須要知道)
And feel I am forgiveable (感受到自己是可寬恕的)
That in your world (在你的世界裡)
What is broken remains loveable (破碎的依然值得被愛)
Will you stand with me (你是否與我同在)
On the edge of misery (痛苦的邊際上)
I'll hold your hand (我會握你的手)
And walk us on the ground (走在這土地上)
Of all the lessons we will learn (這塊 承受教訓)
And all the passions that will burn (燃燒激情 的心界)
And I will go with you into our hearts (我會與你走入心裡)
To find our truest faith (尋找最真實的信仰)
To find the strength that comes upon (獲得力量)
The struggles that we face (來自掙扎與考驗的力量)
The pain that we live (來自悲痛的力量)
And up from this earth (自土地上)
Which we all belong (我們所有人都歸屬的土地)
Made up tears, of blood (淚水與血)
Of what we once were (與曾經的我們所養成的土地)
I can feel the beating (我感受到了跳動)
The pain that is my heart (那股痛是我的心)
Small and slowly becoming strong (微弱而漸漸地強壯著)
I can feel a love (我感受到了愛)
A love that blinds our eyes (使我們視盲)
To show us what we need to see inside (而看見內在的愛)
And I miss you so (而我是那麼地想念你)
And I need you so (而我是那麼地須要你)
To break my heart (將我的心粉碎)
And put it back together (再將它拼合起來)

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