HI 這是獨立音樂人工作室。老師對製作音樂、編曲、混音及帶新手非常有經驗 , 請電或訊息,可以安排詳談。
在知名Fir飛兒樂團阿沁老師前UTS學校,現極簡學堂Minimalist School學習歴練,指導練習生與金鐘金曲奬藝人。堅持有品質教學與製作, 歡迎活動邀約,電話留訊將有專人回覆。
HI This is an independent musician's studio. The teacher is very experienced in music production, arranging, mixing and bringing in newbies. Please call or message us and we can arrange a detailed discussion.
He studied and practiced at the famous Fir band teacher Ah Qin's former UTS school and now at the Minimalist School, coaching trainees and Golden Bell Golden Melody Award-winning artists. We insist on quality teaching and production. We welcome invitations to events. If you leave a message by phone, someone will reply to you.
生日:2015 年 1 月 1 日
成立時間:2015 年 1 月 1 日