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Andy Chen

音樂人 嘉義市

一位國小就是參加升旗典禮伴奏樂隊的一位男孩,他始終吹著小笛子,每一天都渴望著老師有一天也可以叫來拉手風琴,這就是這個男孩開始追求音樂的最大起點。 音樂在我慘綠的學生時代是陪伴著我度過許多枯燥的K書時光,更是因此成為了愛買CD及聽音樂的人,特別是在那旋律與編曲上, 經日積月累之下,心中總是會有很想知道“音樂”到底是如何被製作出來的?這樣的好奇心。 忘情不了對音樂熱愛 。
Hello everyone, I am an independent musician and worker.
An elementary school is a boy who participated in the accompaniment band of the flag raising ceremony. He always plays the small flute. Every day, he longs for the teacher to call to play the accordion. This is the biggest starting point for this boy to pursue music. In my bleak school days, music accompanied me through a lot of boring K-book time, and because of this, I became a person who loves to buy CDs and listen to music, especially in the melody and arrangement. There will always be wondering how "music" is made? Such curiosity. You can't forget your love for music.

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