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Same Words (Wow and Flutter Live @ Home)
Same Words (Wow and Flutter Live @ Home)

Same Words (Wow and Flutter Live @ Home)

RockWow and Flutter Live @ Home

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Same Words (Wow and Flutter Live @ Home)

Same Words (Wow and Flutter Live @ Home)

the prototyke lab
the prototyke lab

發布時間 2019-01-26


They say I don’t belong
I have got no words to prove that they’re wrong
The songbirds here don’t hum
The ancient tunes of ruin lands where I’m from

The grass will always be a different shade of green
Not better nor worse just different
Like the god we used to pray to in the darkest night
No matter who he is, as long he’d shed some light

I’ve been muttering the same words, I’m sorry
I’ve been muttering the same words could you hear me
With no love to my name only tears of shame
Choking back the words I could have used to speak with, clearly
I’ve been muttering the same words but
Would you listen to my pleas

My tongue is split between
The spices and the dust from the cities where I’ve been
My lungs are filled with air
Dirty or clean no one cares if I’m still breathing

The air will always be a different density
Not friendly nor hostile just different
Like the food we used to lay out on our table
As long as we’re together, we’ll call our lives stable

I’ve been muttering the same words, I’m sorry
I’ve been muttering the same words you won't hear me
With no love to my name only tears of shame
Choking back the words I could have used to speak with, clearly
I’ve been muttering the same words but
You won't listen to my pleas

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