灌錄此曲時已決定作為唱片的完場曲, 歌曲有如置身在寂靜的夜空下, 脆弱的結他, 鏗鏘的鋼片琴, 伴著溫暖的嗓音, 奏出一首令人縈繞心頭的作品. 歌曲所道出是苦澀不一定是沉重, 無助的, 可以是軟綿綿的, 當你用另一個角度去看的時候, 可帶著一點點希望.
...查看更多 收合There's the night that I cannot sleep
Kind of sounds all around
Anything could worth for a smile
Can you reply to me ?
You said I'm tired
Just like a child's tears
Caress for life
I get enough
Universe had crossed the black star
Knowing that I'm still alive
I want you to know I'm still beside
It's so quiet in the night
You said I'm tired
Caress for life
I get enough