Instagram: @thedinosaursskin
The Dinosaur’s Skin is a Jurassic-Pop duo based somewhere in Pangea.
Their music combines the smooth melodies of Jurassic-Pop with dreamy Astroidgaze soundscape, all into a style they call Post-Extinction Fossilcore that will chill you to your bones.
Members T-Rex and Triceratops both contribute to the vocals and various instruments, their raw prehistoric howls a key part to their unique sound.
(Google 翻譯) Dinosaur's Skin是一個位於Pangea的侏羅紀流行音樂二重奏組。 他們的音樂結合了侏羅紀流行音樂的流暢旋律和夢幻般的Astroidgaze音景, 所有他們稱之為滅絕後的Fossilcore的風格都會讓你冷靜下來。 成員T-Rex和Triceratops都為人聲和各種樂器做出了貢獻,他們原始的史前嚎叫是他們獨特聲音的關鍵部分。