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I Love You More (than adore)
I Love You More (than adore)

I Love You More (than adore)

R&B / Soul鶴園 Crane Garden

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I Love You More (than adore)

I Love You More (than adore)

鶴 The Crane
鶴 The Crane

4 月


浪人祭 6.5 屆|山陀散去.春風徐來

  • Song of the Day

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發布時間 2020-12-16


MV 已經釋出:

“ 妳在亦不在,就像個比喻。 ”

歌曲描述一位深陷愛情的主人翁,在交錯的精神時光裡,無可救藥地愛上一位遙遠的女孩。就像是唱給《戀夏五百日》的 Summer、《王牌冤家》裡的 Clementine、或是《壁花男孩》中的 Sam,她們千篇一律、陳腔濫調般地拯救一個個內向主角的青春時期,卻也形塑了銀幕前青澀少年們所想像的,愛情的模樣。

母帶後期處理:陳陸泰 (A-Tai) @ 原艾母帶工程錄音室

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[Chorus 1]
I love you more, than adore
Can’t sleep anymore
Up 24, at the door
Waiting for your call
Deep in a mist, where you hide yourself and grown
People call it the unknown

Looks like you’re here, but you’re gone
Like a metaphor
Still wanna know, how you feel
My cherie amour
Resonate deep inside me like a chord
You’re the song I’m waiting for
The song I’m waiting for
You’re the one I’m waiting

[Verse 1]
I keep a lil distance
Make sure my affection,
Doesn’t get enough attention
To listen to the random stories that you’re telling
People wouldn’t even mention

As a part of the circle we in here
But slightly less than a friendship
I could see the teardrop of your essence
Without appearance, sinking into my EYE

[Verse 2]
Feeling I don’t know how
Feeling like I’m pulled underwater that I couldn’t make a sound
Tryna wake up every time I drowned
But the flashes of you is the heaven I found

Physically, loving you is killing me
Fever with no remedy
Patient of an allergy
Frienemy, take me as a colony
Anything you say I will believe, my queen

Spending nights alone would you be afraid?
Are you flying away in the heavy rain?
Would you trust in me if I told you to stay
Got a comfy place that could keep you safe

Head spinning around like a hurricane
How to let you know (that you melted my brain)
You’re like a dream far far away

[Chorus 2]
I love you more, than adore
Can’t sleep anymore
Up 24, at the door
Waiting for your call
Deep in a mist, where you hide yourself and grown
People call it the unknown

Looks like you’re here, but you’re gone
Like a metaphor
Still wanna know, how you feel
My cherie amour
Resonate deep inside me like a chord
You’re the song I’m waiting for
The song I’m waiting for

You’re the one I’m waiting

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