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10 真實DJ remix
10 真實DJ remix

10 真實DJ remix

Singer / Songwriterde Duo? (嘀嘟)

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10 真實DJ remix

10 真實DJ remix

唐么玫Tammy Tang
唐么玫Tammy Tang

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發布時間 2020-02-07


詞曲/演唱: Tammy Tang唐么玫
DJ ? A.K.A. DJ Question Mark(DJ問號) – Production/Arrangement/Flute
Bass & Arrangement: Michael Ning寗子達

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晨霧中獨自漫步 在大草原 真實呼吸感受
掙脫一切煩惱俗事 尋求自然的啟示
不在乎他人眼光大小眼  不在乎名利聲望浮華世間
敞開胸懷擁抱星空  探索那宇宙的真實
If the truth in me, can bring out the truth in you
Let the truth in me, bring out the truth in you
If the truth in me, can bring out the truth in you
Let the truth in me, bring out the truth in you

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