在紐約求學期間,我每天受到全世界不同文化的衝擊,讓我拋棄舊有的固執並產生了新潮思維。全世界只有少數像紐約這類型大都市才有這獨特環境去孕育每個人的美國夢,而在這樣的環境下而我寫了 Big Apple 這首曲子去傳達這種感受。曲子所要表達的核心概念是一種在大都市下生活的快速步調、文化衝撞、喧囂又熱鬧的夜晚和最珍貴的產物之一:不間斷的能量。 When I studied in New York City, I met people from all over the world and learned their culture from them. Such experience gives me a culture shock which changes the way I see the world. New York City is known as a melting pot and therefore this composition is dedicated to the city’s fast-paced, multicultural, and vivid life style that provides ceaseless energy.