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The King's Eternal Reign
The King's Eternal Reign

The King's Eternal Reign

R&B / SoulThanos2024年創作集

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The King's Eternal Reign

The King's Eternal Reign


發布時間 2024-04-05


我是LeBron James的鐵粉。在NBA歷史的賽道上,熠熠紅星很多,但能堅持21年的只有他一個人。從酸民說曇花一現,曇花也現了21年,努力的事情重複做就能變成高手。我很榮幸在我看球的生涯能夠看著LeBron的生涯跟我一起走下去


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The King's Eternal Reign
From Akron to the world's stage
A journey paved with sweat and grit
Defying odds with every age
His passion never to remit
Iverson's soul on fire, then faded
Carter's vinsanity, a comet's blaze
Howard's reign too brief to have jaded
Bryant's twilight years doused earlier days

King James, the lord of the rings
Twenty-one years, the challenge he brings
Unwavering drive, unbroken will
Scaling heights, no mountain too steep to scale

[Verse 2]
Lay-ups, jumpshots, an artist's stroke
Leaving defenders' hopes hindered
Night after night, the crowd's faith he stoked
Visions of greatness, forever rendered
Durant's surge and Curry's straight flames
Rose's prime ravaged before its peak
Luka's triple-doubles earning acclaim
But their bright burns might just be leaks

King James, the lord of the rings
Twenty-one years, the challenge he brings
Unwavering drive, unbroken will
Scaling heights, no mountain too steep to scale

From the rookie's first game
To the fortieth thousand scored
His name etched in glory's fame
Respect and accolades outpoured

King James, the lord of the rings
Twenty-one years, the challenge he brings
Unwavering drive, unbroken will
Scaling heights, no mountain too steep to scale

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