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景聲 Sound&Picture

音樂人 新北市

自2019年起初放光芒的另類二人組 景聲,用合成器與吉他融合電子、氛圍、流行與當代極簡的實驗聲響,試圖打造台灣聽覺文化中少有的「慢」與「靜」。從如夢似幻的絕美風景,到令人戰慄的異域魅影,景聲用聲音呈現一個又一個科幻電影般的場景。2020年第一張專輯「Letters from Landscapes」便勾勒出景聲獨特的畫面感,其中兩首作品更入選當年「台北電影節」暖場歌曲。隔年即釋出聲響較為壯麗的第二張專輯「Ephemeral Reality」並開始現場演出,預計於明年發行的新作品也將融入更多不一樣的創作方式,同時也正努力嘗試參與跨界藝術合作。

Since 2019, Sound&Picture has been at the forefront of blending traditional band sound with experimental music. With guitarist Chris and Adam on the synthesizers, they have been pushing the boundaries and redefining the concept of 'music supports image'. Their debut album, 'Letters from Landscapes', showcased their innovative sound design and ability to create immersive soundscapes. Building on that success, their second album, 'Ephemeral Reality', delved even deeper into vivid musical fantasies. Alongside their performances, they are currently preparing for their third album, slated for release next year, and actively seeking opportunities to explore various art forms.

  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中

