2012 街聲見證大團【2013海國音樂祭樂團爭霸賽/無限制聯賽】 冠軍..............................................【2013桃園鐵玫瑰熱音賞】第二名評審獎 《台北靈魂兄弟》Taipei Soul Brothers are a five piece jam band made up three experienced Taiwanese musicians and one German. We play bluesy jams and hope to keep everyone happy! What we value most are grooves!漂洋過海、陰錯陽差的命運,讓五個男人在艋舺相會,來自三個不同世代的樂手組成了這個很難定義的樂團,不夠來「電」可是很有爆發力,以靈魂為名但卻充滿藍調的韻味─歐陸加上台味的藍調。或許他們正在等著一個小號手來叫醒他們…官網:樂團成軍於2011年9月You Tube: Klaus BluetnerYouTube: TaipeiSoulBrothers台北靈魂兄弟 You Tube: John Budrevo團員簡介: 吉他 /Keyboard/主唱: Klaus Bluetner (AKA John Budrevo)主唱:大叔口琴/主唱: Otis Tsao 鼓/打擊樂器: 海豚/ 邱楷麟/黃柏勳Bass: ken / MelTo contact Taipei Soulbrothers, you can e-mail:s124989@yahoo.com.tweselchen@live.comTel: 0980020911Line: Mousyhair
David Bowie! Forever!
A Nice Song!
- written for the ICRT battle of the bands competition in Tainan