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Sinners Turned Saints

其他・於 2024 年 8 月 加入
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關於 Sinners Turned Saints

Sinners Turned Saints 是來自泰國的後黑金屬/黑瞪樂團。自 2015 年樂團結成開始,專注結合黑金屬與以混響為特色的瞪鞋音樂,設計出帶有氛圍、抑鬱的聲音,用 screamo(尖叫蕊)闡述生命的真理。

Sinners turned saints is a post-blackmetal / blackgaze band from Thailand since 2015 with music that is mainly from the combination of blackmetal blended with reverberate shoegaze sound to design atmospheric / malancholy and lyrics narrating truth of life, vocalized in screamo style.