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及時雨RAIN IN TIME ﹣把音樂喻意為一場及時降下的甘霖, 能滋潤作者及聽眾因平庸生活而日久乾旱的心靈。樂隊早於2008 年成立,於2011 年組成現時6 人的陣容。

以ALTERNATIVE、POWER-POP 及POST-HARDCORE 風格,一直以生活和身邊發生的事情為題材作歌,旨在與聽眾分享對生活的感想及共鳴,並以其節奏強烈、分明,樂於嘗試及創作新的音樂方法,加入電子聲效的元素,配合賦有詩意的歌詞,希望每首歌都能成為別樹一格的故事。


首張CD於2013年9月21日《MAKE CONSCIOUS!》CD發佈會推出。

Rain in Time (及時雨) was established in 2008. The name is inspired by a Chinese phase which means rain before the drought. Taking this as a metaphor, the band decided to gather for passionate music with such inspiration that hope to enrich everyone’s life. After a few lineup changes, the sextet pursuits their musical aspiration with their solidarity and ambitions. With poetic lyrics and a bite of catchy electronic vibes in the genre of Alternative / Powerpop / Post-hardcore , the band has attracted new faces from Hong Kong underground band scene and remained active in various shows and gigs.......

  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中


關於 及時雨


及時雨RAIN IN TIME ﹣把音樂喻意為一場及時降下的甘霖, 能滋潤作者及聽眾因平庸生活而日久乾旱的心靈。樂隊早於2008 年成立,於2011 年組成現時6 人的陣容。

以ALTERNATIVE、POWER-POP 及POST-HARDCORE 風格,一直以生活和身邊發生的事情為題材作歌,旨在與聽眾分享對生活的感想及共鳴,並以其節奏強烈、分明,樂於嘗試及創作新的音樂方法,加入電子聲效的元素,配合賦有詩意的歌詞,希望每首歌都能成為別樹一格的故事。


首張CD於2013年9月21日《MAKE CONSCIOUS!》CD發佈會推出。

Rain in Time (及時雨) was established in 2008. The name is inspired by a Chinese phase which means rain before the drought. Taking this as a metaphor, the band decided to gather for passionate music with such inspiration that hope to enrich everyone’s life. After a few lineup changes, the sextet pursuits their musical aspiration with their solidarity and ambitions. With poetic lyrics and a bite of catchy electronic vibes in the genre of Alternative / Powerpop / Post-hardcore , the band has attracted new faces from Hong Kong underground band scene and remained active in various shows and gigs.......