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Sing with the Seven (2022 Remix)
Sing with the Seven (2022 Remix)

Sing with the Seven (2022 Remix)


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Sing with the Seven (2022 Remix)

Sing with the Seven (2022 Remix)

羊與馬群 Sheep & Horses
羊與馬群 Sheep & Horses

  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2022-06-19


Leaving footprints on your way to
the place you’ve been looking for
since you were seven

Sitting on a bus with green color windows
the world seems green just as it has always been

Your mustache grows longer
Your fingers grows stronger

The boys are gathering for a riot
they asked you to help
but you don’t consider them as friends

The fish you caught was poisoned with lead
You can’t eat it so you keep it as a pet

Your mustache grows longer
Your fingers grows stronger

Sing to the seven Sing for the seven
Singing with the seven

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