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Tiger, Vine, the Strawberry
Tiger, Vine, the Strawberry

Tiger, Vine, the Strawberry


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Tiger, Vine, the Strawberry

Tiger, Vine, the Strawberry

羊與馬群 Sheep & Horses
羊與馬群 Sheep & Horses

4 月


【 你看Live的時候 Live也在看著你 】

  • Song of the Day

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發布時間 2020-04-24


Guitar Vocal: 吳奕賢
Guitar: 李瑋育
Bass: 王惟平
Drums: 盧俊燁
Drums Recorded by: 陳治方 (天和堂音樂工作室)
Mixing: 吳奕賢

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It’s always there
In the background
When you cross the road
I’m not afraid of it
Just scared it comes too soon
There is no escape

Return as the winds
Blows through these hills

Decades before. I didn’t exist
Decades after, I won’t be there
You know it's true
That you will someday
disappear with
all the things you've learned

I had no idea
Where I'm heading to
When I hit the road
They sing and dance
thought it would never end
the days aren’t long

Everybody come and goes
no one will stay

Return as the wind
Blows through these hills
It ain’t no race
but a journey instead
Everybody come and goes
no one will stay
It ain’t no race
but a journey instead

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