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遊 Yóu
遊 Yóu

遊 Yóu

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遊 Yóu

遊 Yóu

落差草原 WWWW
落差草原 WWWW

  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2018-09-03


烈日 灑落 老人 行腳
衣袖 擺動 作物 舞蹈

濃煙中 濃煙中 眼光閃爍
濃煙中 濃煙中 通往天際的路

追溯 母親 身體 裂縫


The sun scorches, the old folks move
Their sleeves sway, the crops dance

Through thick smoke, through thick smoke, their eyes twinkle
Through thick smoke, through thick smoke, a road leads skyward

Return to the source. Mother, body, crevice
A ray of light passes through
A ray of light passes through

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