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_Life is like a dream
_Life is like a dream

_Life is like a dream

R&B / Soul

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_Life is like a dream

_Life is like a dream


發布時間 2024-05-25


浮生若夢Life is like a dream

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Life is like a dream, Zhuangzi is like a butterfly,
Butterflies dance among the flowers, flying freely.
The butterfly transformed into Zhuangzi, with a myriad of thoughts,
Thousands of years of reincarnation, dreams are ordinary.
Everyone is like this, scattered with the wind,
Love, hate, and hatred pass by like smoke.
All disillusionment disappears and returns to silence,
In the void, find the truth.
When I wake up from the dream, who is in charge of the ups and downs?
Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterflies, or butterflies dreamed of people.
Born like summer flowers, bright and short,
Why do you need it in a dream? Ask the truth in the world.
The prosperity has faded and is coming back,
Life is like a dream, how much joy is there?
Reincarnation is endless, life is endless,
In this long night, I would like to be a butterfly fairy.
The world between heaven and earth is as vast as a dream, Zhuangzi smiled,
Butterfly wings flutter,
Travel through thousands of years and fly freely.
Dreams within dreams, right and wrong, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

In reincarnation, love and hate are intertwined, and love is as deep as the sea.
Singing and marching forward with no fetters,
Pursuing in dreams, that piece of free world.
Spark of life, burning passion,
At this moment, sing loudly, regardless of the future.
Zhuangzi dreams of butterflies, butterflies dream of Zhuangzi,
Who can say what is true?
Life is like a dream, when you wake up from the dream,
I just want to have that pure world in my heart.
The sea of ​​dreams is boundless, and my heart follows the waves
Search for yourself
Traveling through the ages, looking for answers
In and out of dreams, an illusion, a reality~,

Life is like a dream, and dreams are like life. How can it be ordinary?
Life is like a dream, where will you wake up from the dream? The heart knows~
In and out of dreams, an illusion, a reality~,
Life is like a dream, dreams are like life, how can it be ordinary?

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