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party to the moon
party to the moon

party to the moon

Singer / Songwriter

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party to the moon

party to the moon

凹與山 Our Shame
凹與山 Our Shame

3 月


【大港開唱】- 3/30

  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2022-07-25


大家安安,我們 8 月中上旬要發第一張專輯了。
這是專輯裡最 acoustic 最安詳的一首歌。先給大家偷聽。所有樂器使用木吉他製作。

單曲封面由超現實主義攝影師 Hossein Zare 製作。網路世界的好處就是我們可以鍵盤認識世界各國的厲害朋朋並與他們合作。無遠弗屆。

錄音/混音/母帶處理:AKNIT (Toshiya Fueoka)

這首歌獻給凹山先走一步的朋友,小畢,aka 我們第一張 EP 的裝幀設計師+海邊的房間的 mv 女主角。

to the moon!!!!!!

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I turned to the archived stories,
postcards and autumn leaves
I tried to send you from New York,
yet I put the wrong address

We should smoke here to conquer this place, you said
What's going to happen when we turn thirty? you said
You in the blue electric light
Danced the night away, in your summer dress

Things i could never tell you
I tell it to the moon
The day that you decided to move
the party, to the moon
you are 29, and you are weightless
move the party to the moon, await us
you are 29, and you are weightless
move the party to the moon, await us

I turned to Telegram, where we
burned our hopes and secrets
scrolling through the conversation,
where I, missed that, one last, call from you

We should smoke here to conquer this place, you said
What's going to happen when we turn thirty? you said
You were still warm on a cold night
Slept the world away, in the winter time

Things i could never tell you
I tell it to the moon
The day that you decided to move
the party, to the moon
you are 29, and you are weightless
move the party to the moon, await us
you are 29, and you are weightless
move the party to the moon, await us

Did you go because the false realization?
"Nobody cares, nobody stays for you"
"Nobody cares, nobody stays for you"
Oh, everyone's here for you

Everyone's here for you
You move the party to the moon
You'll find someone who stays for you
Someone who stays for you

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