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資生堂安耐曬 - Shining Everyday
資生堂安耐曬 - Shining Everyday

資生堂安耐曬 - Shining Everyday


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資生堂安耐曬 - Shining Everyday

資生堂安耐曬 - Shining Everyday

Originsun Studio - Music Collection
Originsun Studio - Music Collection

發布時間 2017-05-04


演唱:劉芸先(ft. 吳奕宏)

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Making smile jumping in this day
Sunshine come to be there
Making smile jumping everyday
Will be better

Make your smile shining everyday
No one will love you more
Just show us who you truely are
How beauty you are

I want
Keeping singing and dancing with you
Dreams come true
I can now see who you become
Girl in the light
Nothing can stop the beauty you will be

Coming fly in the sunshine be with me
Wherever you are
I will always be with you
Always be with you
Always be with you SHISEIDO

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