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黑夜周圍罩籠 星光徬徨失所 幻影不斷地嘲弄 時間持續轉動 信念不能退縮 咒語不斷地唱詠

抬頭仰望 月色已開始朦朧閉眼細數 時機已漸漸成熟 停或走 不迷惑 靈魂已許下承諾

隱藏住 心中那股悸動 遠望那 瓦普吉斯夜空 緊握雙手 用力嘶吼 衝破 軀殼的枷鎖 掙脫(衝破 軀殼的枷鎖)

The girl wanted to make the magic salve, but she failed.She keeps trying even though the shadows laugh at her.Will she succeed? Who knows. But if she doesn't give up.And finally... she will...

解放出 心中那股悸動 抵達那 瓦普吉斯夜空 放開雙手 用力嘶吼 靈魂已從 軀殼逃脫(靈魂已在 夜空舞動)

作曲者:Andy Yang / Jim Jam 作詞者:Bambi C.

Dusty Chaos is:Vocals- Zoe Huang (小風) Guitar- Andy Yang(酋長) Keyboard- Jim Jam(阿駿)Bass- Bambi C.(斑比) Drums: Ou-yang(歐陽 )