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ChicKNUP 奇克拿樂團 Don't tell @ Revolver


奇克拿《Don't tell》 曲目收錄於『欲言』Intention


奇克拿跨年度大型企劃‧《Story》三部曲最新EP├欲言‧預言‧寓言┤ 正式啟動



《Don't tell》


《How the story ends》


The Intention of Telling Story.

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《Don’t tell》

詞曲/Jayko 編曲/ChicKNUP

Don’t tell a word什麼都不要說Let’s make it never happen就當做什麼都沒有發生吧Do not tell不要說出口Do not write it down不要寫下任何文字The memories are always記憶總是So unreliable不可靠的對吧?

So why should we talk about it我們幹嘛討論這些呢Why do you care about darkness你幹嘛那麼在乎影子的黑暗There are always lights around四處都充滿著光明不是嗎

It is all you ever wanted這不是你一直想要的嗎A life with no more sadness再也不會感到悲傷的人生All your wishes (are) coming true你所有的願望都會成真It is all true一切都是真的

There’s nothing going wrong沒什麼不對啊(What could be wrong?)(能出什麼錯呢?)You don’t have to be that worry你不用那麼擔心吧(You deserve all this do not worry, worry)(這一切都是你應得的,別擔心)Worry about things that should have long done這個世界早就該是這樣(Just stay where you are)(你留在原地就好)(Not good enough)(還不夠好嗎?)Just close your eyes we’re drifting, drifting閉上眼睛讓一切順其自然(It’s fine keep goofing off)(什麼都不用做也沒關係)(Drifting, drifting)(隨波逐流吧)There’s no difference which world we are我們身處哪個世界又有什麼差?(We are all the same)(我們都是一樣的)(Don’t explian, don’t say)(不要解釋,不要說話)

Is it a dream? It is a dream這是夢嗎? 這是夢吧!All impossible becomes possible所有不可能的都變成了可能Your smile your eyes acting like a lie你門的笑容眼神像一齣謊言Can’t tell it’s dream or nightmare分不清到底是美夢還是夢魘

Don’t tell a word別說話Don’t make a sound別出聲安靜的享受這一切Don’t tell a word別說話Don’t make a sound別出聲(安靜的享受這一切)

Which world we are不管我們在哪個世界(All of this is you ever wanted)(這一切都是你夢寐以求的)(Now, just close your eyes and)(現在你只需要閉上雙眼)Here we are我們就在這裡(Take it all)(接受一切吧)


混音後製 / CJ Studio