非/密閉空間 Non-Confined Space 第二張專輯
《後設時空共構 Meta, Construct Within’ Spaces》
製作人 Producer:鄭各均 Sonic Deadhorse│謝明諺 Minyen Hsieh
作曲 Compositions:鄭各均 Sonic Deadhorse│謝明諺 Minyen Hsieh
編曲 Arrangements:鄭各均 Sonic Deadhorse│謝明諺 Minyen Hsieh
Sound Elements :
鄭各均 Sonic Deadhorse(吉他、吉他合成器、電腦編程、現場電子 Guitar, Guitar Synth, Programming, Live Electronic)
謝明諺 Minyen Hsieh(次中音音薩克斯風) Tenor Saxophone
作詞 Lyrics、人聲 Voices:
林理惠 Mars Lin、LEO37 - #8
錄音 Recording、混音 Mixing、母帶 Mastering:鄭各均 Sonic Deadhorse
錄音助理 Recording Asistant:林理惠 Mars Lin
錄音室 Sound studio:繭房 Studio、Sonic Deadhorse Studio
美術設計 Album Design:邱智群 Chiu Chih-Chun
標準字設計 Typography : 布雷克 BlackZao Art
執行製作 Executive producer:貓塔眉 Nicole Wang
2022.10.20 數位實體同步發行!
「春が来た 春が来た どこに来た」
Call us by our names
They all doin us filthy
Not scared of who we are
But even more so who we will be
These beautiful minds
Divine thoughts of times when
Thoughts and lives were both free to cross the line
Now our thoughts are crimes?
Shi…they lost their minds
Pay a fee to be free
It’ll only cost our lives
Metal links for what we think
So better walk the line
And lord knows we have tried
But they can’t see our side
So it’s like suicide
You either do or die
Kowtow or crucify
Mercy or brutalize
Just hope the truth survives and thrives and finds a way back to where you reside
This was for you and I
Who are we?
Who am I?
Whus my name?
Whus my crime?
What’d we do?
Where’s the line?
Was just lookin out for mine
We weren’t really tryna hide
Just wanted to live our lives
They-can-take-away our last breath
Gone in flesh
But still in mind
For the rest of time
We’re the reason why
Don’t you ever lie
Tryna act like, like we ain’t
Like we were just gon’ go away
Like we were only playin games huh?
Call us by our names
Very very good!❤️
非/密閉空間 Non-Confined Space作者