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how to stop missing you
how to stop missing you

how to stop missing you


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how to stop missing you

how to stop missing you

Lavender Spice
Lavender Spice

發布時間 2024-05-13



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Janice , you have breathtaking eyes, make me crazy.

Oh Janice , I can’t away from your spell.

I feel a little miserable , how to stop missing you tonight .

Hey, Janice. You are like lavender to me, calming me .

Hey, Janice. I just want to look at you, no need to say anything.

I feel a little miserable , how to stop missing you tonight .

Janice. It's a charming night when your lips are curved like the moon.

Oh, Janice. you've got me on my knees , like a fool. I fell in love with you.

I feel a little miserable , how to stop missing you tonight .

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