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音樂人 臺北市

自2006年開始 DJ,本身是舞者兼 DJ,擅長 Poppping 風格,自然在做音樂的時候也很偏向自己跳這種風格的音樂。2020 年開始與黃昺翔、B-One 等藝人合作開始踏上饒舌的旅途。與 B-one 組成「DoubleB無所謂」的團體。

音樂風格偏向 Electric Hiphop, Lo-fi 等等。

Been Djing since 2006, as a dancer also a DJ in Taiwan, the style of beats that has been made by Brotha Wu also has that “Popping” vibe.

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關於 BrothaWu


自2006年開始 DJ,本身是舞者兼 DJ,擅長 Poppping 風格,自然在做音樂的時候也很偏向自己跳這種風格的音樂。2020 年開始與黃昺翔、B-One 等藝人合作開始踏上饒舌的旅途。與 B-one 組成「DoubleB無所謂」的團體。

音樂風格偏向 Electric Hiphop, Lo-fi 等等。

Been Djing since 2006, as a dancer also a DJ in Taiwan, the style of beats that has been made by Brotha Wu also has that “Popping” vibe.