Vocalist & Leader/ 游士衢 TrigGuitarist & Producer / 趙宇晨 AsaBassist / 賴研傑 YJDrummer / 李宗諺 CleafVisual Designer / 林貫洋 Guan「曾在生命中感到絕望的人聆聽的後硬核樂」只有面對面徹底感受自己的遭遇和情緒才有辦法找到動機向前邁進演出邀約或相關問題請洽motivbandtw@gmail.com“Post-hardcore music for those who once felt devastated in their lives”Only by facing your own emotions and encounters,you’ll be able to find the motive and move forward.For performance offers & relative questions:motivbandtw@gmail.com
在這孤獨的城市,失重的生活中, 你不是唯一一人在頑強抵抗。 挖出深埋心底的勇氣, 其實你想做的,也可以是你正在做的事。 ►MV 連結:https://youtu.be/PTKriECi1wQ ►Youtube:https://tinyurl.com/yaebsroy ►KKBOX: https://bit.ly/2yWj4a7 ►Spotify:https://spoti.fi/2yOfqPp ►Apple Music:https://apple.co/2J8wmEM