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Killing Prophet 謀殺先知
Killing Prophet 謀殺先知

Killing Prophet 謀殺先知


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Killing Prophet 謀殺先知

Killing Prophet 謀殺先知

Moonrize 李映霏
Moonrize 李映霏

  • 編輯推薦

  • 2020 綠生活音樂節 Green Fusion Music 創作樂團徵選活動

發布時間 2019-09-27



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Sneaked out malice 逃離惡意
With my gun and my red lipstick 帶著我的槍和口紅
I killed a prophet 我殺了一個先知
Looked her and said “ go rest in peace” 「該死的」我說

Didn't look behind and kept driving 頭也不回地開著車
all night all night all night 一整夜 一整夜

Speeding on highway 在公路上奔馳
Fading away 消逝離去
I have nothing, not to mention the past 我什麼也沒有更何況過去
Who cares about who I am 誰又在乎我是誰

[ Chorus ]
Driving so fast 開地很快
It’s a new day 是嶄新的一天
Turn up music sing aloud like always 打開音樂像平常一樣跟著唱

Driving so fast 車速很快
Never have to stay 不需要駐足停留
I don’t care about what they used to say 我才不在乎他們曾經說過什麼

Speeding on highway 在公路上奔馳
Fading away 消逝離去
I have nothing not to mention the past 我什麼也沒有更何況過去
Who cares about who I am 誰又在乎我是誰

[ Bridge ]
You assumed yourself as a prophet 妳自以為是個先知
But I don’t believe what’s foretold from old days 但我從不相信什麼來自過去的話
Even if I have to go through pain 就算我真的得經歷痛苦好了
Glad to accept it then 我也樂意之至

In the dawn I'm a new comer in unfamiliar new place 黎明的時候我會是陌生城市的新面孔
And I’ll never say 而且我永遠不會說
I used to have another name 我曾經有過另一個名字


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