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One Note Samba(Piano Version)
One Note Samba(Piano Version)

One Note Samba(Piano Version)


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One Note Samba(Piano Version)

One Note Samba(Piano Version)

Ed Fu Piano
Ed Fu Piano

發布時間 2011-04-17


安東尼.卡洛.裘賓(Antonio Carlos Jobim)是Bossa Nova樂風的創始人,也是20世紀最偉大的作曲家之一,許多人甚至已經把這個名字與Bossa Nova畫上等號了(小野麗莎也是他的樂迷哦!),他留下太多經典,皆是震古鑠今、學習Bossa Nova不可不練的經典,我也十分喜愛這種慵懶、輕鬆、不帶壓力的樂風,今後也會一一用鋼琴來玩。

本日要介紹的這首「One Note Samba」,顧名思義就是以「單音」創造出的Samba(森巴,是與芭莎諾瓦同源自於巴西,但速度快一倍的樂風),但依然是Bossa的韻律,我認為它是最能發揮Bossa Nova的美好特質、又不難練的一曲,它的旋律非常簡單,幾乎只用幾個音符構成,加上和聲變化後卻能如此多變,真不得不感佩音樂的神奇、大師的幽默手筆。



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One Note Samba

This is just a little samba
Built upon a single note
Other notes are bound to follow
But the root is still that note
Now this new one is the consequence
Of the one we've just been through
As I'm bound to be the unavoidable consequence of you

There's so many people who can talk and talk and talk
And just say nothing or nearly nothing
I have used up all the scale I know
And at the end I've come to nothing
Or nearly nothing

So I come back to my first note
As I must come back to you
Anyone who wants the whole show
Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do
He will find himself with no show
Better play the note you know
This is just a little samba
Built upon a single note

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