有沒有這麼一個地方?那裡和平且富足,人與人之間的相處是友善的,誰都不會因為自己和他人的不一樣而受到嘲笑。在他們的生活中,大家都有機會追求自己的理想、開發自我的潛能進而自我實現,同時也能感受在萬物之下自己的渺小。人們因此互相尊重、互相鼓勵、互相幫助。美好的模樣讓在夢裡的我不自覺的笑了起來。 Is there such a place? A place that is peaceful and prosperous, where interactions between people are friendly, and no one is mocked for being different from others. In their lives, everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams, develop their potential, and achieve self-realization, while also feeling their own smallness in the grand scheme of things. People therefore respect, encourage, and help one another. The beauty of this …