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Nothing ever stops me
Nothing ever stops me

Nothing ever stops me

FolkDance on the Shoreline

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Nothing ever stops me

Nothing ever stops me


  • Song of the Day

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發布時間 2024-09-17



加拿大夢幻流行唱作人 Jaguar Sun X 奇幻寶藏女孩 LÜCY
重磅跨國合作、遠端連線之炙熱情歌〈Nothing ever stops me〉

來自加拿大南安大略的 Jaguar Sun,他有著柔和的低喃嗓音,並擅長於電子編曲中融合夢幻流行、搖滾和民謠等樂風。最初,他是為了想逃避社交壓力與繁忙的平面設計工作才開始接觸音樂創作,沒想到就此展開一段 Bedroom Pop 的創作之旅。

而這次的合作源於 LÜCY 在數位平台上偶然聽到 Jaguar Sun 的〈I Feel it〉,她表示:「一首歌並不一定要有框架的限制。這首歌讓我回想起做音樂的初衷,因為編曲風格跟我最想做的音樂很相似。」儘管大家普遍認為副歌的旋律和歌詞是整首歌曲的高潮,但對 LÜCY 而言,Jaguar Sun 卻用純粹的編曲來呈現音樂的亮點,雖無歌詞竟能打造出迷離的氛圍感,這點深深吸引了她,因此決定邀請他一起合作單曲。

Jaguar Sun 也形容 LÜCY 的音樂非常迷人,能與這樣的聲音合作是他的夢想。儘管他們遠隔兩地、只能靠著傳訊息不停討論,但語言卻從未成為障礙,兩人以音樂為共同溝通語彙,還在歌詞中結合了雙方的母語。這段合作如同歌曲的心境主題——「遠距離戀愛」——縱使距離與時間成為挑戰,多數人會以為是在追逐遙不可及的夢,但當你聽到來自千里之外的聲音,彷彿對方就在你身邊。

〈Nothing ever stops me〉亦象徵了遠距離關係中的挑戰。與心愛的人分隔兩地需要極大的努力來維繫感情,但它同時也表達了面對分離的痛苦時,讓關係繼續下去的力量。整首歌曲由 LÜCY 跟 Jaguar Sun 共同擔任製作人與編曲,用充滿空間感的電吉他音色及夢幻的合成器聲響,讓人靜靜流淌其中,也給飽受思念之苦的人們在黑暗中看見一絲絲最溫柔的光芒。


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If I had a dream
I will be there soon
Nothing ever stops me

It seems like it’s not easy
But I already felt that
We are not meant to be separated

Makes me wanna stay with you
Makes my heart keep falling with you

I felt you from afar
Felt what you were feeling
I held in my heart
When you’re feeling lost
Like you couldn’t hear me
Don’t let it cut you off

I’ll be there when you let me
You’ll be here in my arms
I found you from a distance
The distance hits me hard

I felt you from afar (想看你的眼睛)
Feel what you’re feeling now
When you’re feeling lost
I found you from a distance (想感受你的氣息)

Can you hear me now? (想你的心 不停~)
Even it pushes me harder
I will be there soon
Nothing ever stops me

I felt you from afar (想聽你的聲音)
Feel what you’re feeling now
When you’re feeling lost
I found you from a distance (想感受你的呼吸)

Can you hear me now? (沒有什麼攔著~)
Even it pushes me harder
I will be there soon
Nothing ever stops me

If I had a dream
I will be there soon
Nothing ever stops me

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Really feel more in tune with your older stuff, Lücy is currently one of the albums I listen the most too. it really captures a moment in time well. maybe this will grow on me, good that you are experimenting. Keep on developing and having fun with making music 🥰

5 個月前 ・0 個喜歡


6 個月前 ・0 個喜歡

If I had a dream
I will be there soon
Nothing ever stops me

6 個月前 ・0 個喜歡