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You know how
You know how

You know how

FolkDance on the Shoreline

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You know how

You know how


發布時間 2024-08-27



奇幻寶藏女孩 LÜCY 2024 作品二號即將登入地球
先行曲〈You know how〉8/27 宇宙無敵浪漫發行



以魔法般讓人沉醉的 Bedroom Pop 驚豔眾人的 LÜCY,即將推出第二張創作專輯,並首次擔任部分歌曲的製作人與編曲家——她過往對 demo 的執著,認為應保持原貌,但此次希望突破自我,製作出能反映當前心境的嶄新版本,而不再只停留過往寫歌的高光時刻。

作為新專輯的首支曝光單曲〈You know how〉,正標誌著她的進化。這首歌曾以電吉他 Live 版本搶先亮相於「Fender Next」計畫,並在社群平台上獲得超過五十萬次觀看;如今的錄音室版本,依然以細膩、輕柔的木吉他旋律揭序,後半伴隨著鼓組的加入,並用大量如在耳畔邊私語的和聲層層堆疊,帶出迷幻民謠搖滾風格,呈現如宇宙般遼闊的空間感。


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There's so many things in the world
That could never happen again
And there're so many people out there
With no soul

You know that I can see you
Into the night
And into your eyes
You know that I can see you
Into the night
And into your eyes
You know that I can see you
Into the night
And into your eyes
You know that I can see you
Into the night
And into your eyes

You know how
You know where
Where to find me out
You know how
You know where
Where I'd be around
You know how
You know when
When to pick me up
You know how
You know when
When I needed you

You know how
You know where
Where to find me out
You know how
You know where
Where I'd be around
You know how
You know when
When to pick me up
You know how
You know when
When I needed you

There’s so many things that I heard
That could never happen again
And there’s a girl she’s singing for you
Every night and everyday

You know that I can see you
Into the night
And into your eyes
You know that I can see you
Into the night
And into your eyes
You know that I can see you
Into the night
And into your eyes
You know that I can see you
Into the night
And into your eyes

You know how
You know where
Where to find me out
You know how
You know where
Where I'd be around
You know how
You know when
When to pick me up
You know how
You know when
When I needed you

You know how
You know where
Where to find me out
You know how
You know where
Where I'd be around
You know how
You know when
When to pick me up
You know how
You know when
When I needed you

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