南迴線,亦稱南迴鐵路,是由屏東線枋寮鄉繞過台灣南端到台東的一段鐵路。由於尚未電氣化,因而成為少數還行駛著普通車的路線。 普通車,亦稱普通快車,是光復後最主要的客車,後來逐漸被電氣化、較快速、有冷氣的車型取代。這一系列普快車能夠打開窗戶、轉座位方向、車頂有電扇,並因其藍色的外觀,又常被稱為藍皮普快。 南迴鐵路加上藍皮普快,因其路線風景宜人,再加上車廂的自然風,受到部分人士喜愛。 南迴鐵路由於東部幹線電氣化後受到好評,因此也開始規劃電氣化的工程。 這首歌,獻給裝載著我們回憶行駛在南迴鐵路上的藍皮普快。希望那能用肉眼確認的風景、用肌膚感受的微風,會永遠在那裡。 South-link Line is a railway travels through the southern part of Taiwan, which starts from Fanglio, Pingtung to Taitong city. Since it has not electrified yet, it becomes the last few lines in Taiwan that still runs ordinary train. Ordinary Train is the main train in the early days of Taiwan Restoration. It has been replaced by electrified, air-conditioned, faster trains now. There are openable …