Lyric/Compose/Arrange: LACENI。
遙如天壑 蒼穹回溯
掠過雲中 隱入月幽 付諸晚風
猶如花火 悵然隕歿
劃破星空 流落眼眸 沖淨滯留千年的痛
膽怯的風掠過 遍尋不著的痛
冷光之下 白夜如晝 冰凍慘綠心頭
Oh, I get a little fascinate
We are dominated by a sense of fatality
你我錯綜的人生 在 懸崖邊緣交會
Oh, I'll still get a little fascinate
Even the world is almost suffocated
繁殖戰慄的夢魘 幽謐 音色蔓延
都市夜晚涼風 滲透沉眠的夢
冷光之下 白夜如晝…
I'm sure that I am not fabricated
At the time you saw the cuture shakes
如今 徒留空虛呢喃互相 依偎
Why around losing their heads? I couldn't say.
奈何拭去塵埃的代價 竟是永恆不滅的缺
Oh, You are still so fascinated
And I still see the cuture sinks
You always carried out the destination, on your, on your way
駐足 停留在無垠的過往
Oh my little fatalities
You let my world into fear
我是緊繃得快斷裂的線 卻不願緘默迎接句點
Oh my little fatalities, Please
Off my little vacancies
And then to carry on the destiny, on my, on my way
探し行こう (去尋找吧)
過ちと 連れて行けばいい (與過錯 一同前行也無妨)
探そう (追尋吧)