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Kirin Trio

音樂人 福建

Kirin Trio 麒麟三重奏成立于2017年的炎热夏夜。在闷热的噪响过后,清扬的微风协奏曲袭面而来,空无一人的凌晨街头,醉醺醺但却洒脱。

Kirin Trio were formed on a hot summer night in Xiamen by Chen Zhenchao - the guitarist of The White Tulips, with the aim of, apparently, creating a popular Chinese pop song.

  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中


關於 Kirin Trio


生日:2017 年 7 月 1 日

Kirin Trio 麒麟三重奏成立于2017年的炎热夏夜。在闷热的噪响过后,清扬的微风协奏曲袭面而来,空无一人的凌晨街头,醉醺醺但却洒脱。

Kirin Trio were formed on a hot summer night in Xiamen by Chen Zhenchao - the guitarist of The White Tulips, with the aim of, apparently, creating a popular Chinese pop song.