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Day. 5
Day. 5

Day. 5


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Sorry About That

發布時間 2014-04-08


We'll keep on driving while there's still daylight
(趁著天亮 我們繼續開車前進)
A new day is breakin
I sleep a lot but still feel tired in the day
(我已經睡得很充足 但整天仍舊感到疲憊)

不確定的盡頭是否還有 一些些

Helpless(Darkness) Around me
It's a feeling that you can't miss

hold your breath
and don't look back
That sounds like Zobie walk!
hold your fire
There's something that I really want you to know
just be quiet
take my hand!
I'll be your haven~

All the night
every pair of red eyes are watching us
but i will hold you tight
save my life!
Let's end all this SHIT

I made a promise to myself tonight
we won't lose any one , oh!god please by my side
(我們不會失去任何人了 , 噢!上帝 請站在我這邊)

I'll be tough

隱藏在笑容後那些面容 是甚麼

People killing that was all our sins
the end of the world we gonna die together

People dying that was all our sins
the end of the world we gonna die together now
I can feel my spirit leaving me
I can feel your breath leaving me
I'm not sure that I'll still be the same
I'm not sure!

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