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josh pan

新竹縣・於 2018 年 10 月 加入
  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中


關於 josh pan

If you believe as josh pan does that time is an illusion, it’s easy to imagine his future, elderly- self meditating on top of a mountain deep in the Chinese countryside, dreaming his present life as 28-year-old, OWSLA-backed musician. The DJ, producer, song-writer, vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist is a Taiwan-raised American turned LA-transplant with an insatiable need to create, turning virtually everything he touches into a work of art, be it a DJ set, painting, film score, graphic design, or Kanye West fan-fiction.

美國華僑 - 現在簽給Skrillex的唱片公司 - OWSLA. DJ/製作人/歌手/作曲家. 三立電視超級偶像第一屆.
