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Chopin Nocturnes 蕭邦夜曲
Chopin Nocturnes 蕭邦夜曲

Chopin Nocturnes 蕭邦夜曲

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Chopin Nocturnes 蕭邦夜曲

Chopin Nocturnes 蕭邦夜曲

the poet of the piano

專輯發行時間 2023-01-13
建立於 2023-01-13


Frédéric Chopin wrote 21 nocturnes for solo piano between 1827 and 1846. They are generally considered among the finest short solo works for the instrument and hold an important place in contemporary concert repertoire. Although Chopin did not invent the nocturne, he popularized and expanded on it, building on the form developed by Irish composer John Field.

Chopin's nocturnes numbered 1 to 18 were published during his lifetime, in twos or threes, in the order of composition. However, numbers 19 and 20 were actually written first, prior to Chopin's departure from Poland, but published posthumously. Number 21 was not originally entitled "nocturne" at all, but since its publication in 1938 as such, it is generally included with publications and recordings of the set.

By the time of Chopin's birth in 1810, John Field was already an accomplished composer. Eventually, the young Chopin became a great admirer of Field, taking some influence from the Irish composer's playing and composing technique. Chopin had composed five of his nocturnes before meeting Field for the first time.


第1至18首夜曲在蕭邦在生時發表,它們均是以兩首或三首為一組,並依隨創作的時序。雖然第19和20首夜曲是蕭邦離開波蘭前的作品,它們在蕭邦逝世後才發表。而蕭邦創作第21首夜曲時沒有將此曲題為「夜曲」,但它自1870年發表後便被納入眾多夜曲之一。有時被稱為Nocturne oublié的第22首夜曲則可能是偽作。

菲爾德便是夜曲的創始人,在當時亦是頗具名氣的作曲家。蕭邦自幼十分崇拜菲爾德,並受其演奏及創作技巧所影響。 人們覺得蕭邦初時的作品很像菲爾德,而諷刺的是,蕭邦成名後人們反而認為菲爾德的作品像蕭邦[4]。此外,雖然蕭邦給與菲爾德的作品很高的評價,但菲爾德卻不太欣賞蕭邦的作品。儘管如此,蕭邦一生中仍十分崇拜菲爾德。



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